Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Math and Media (Pg. 147) & Taking Action Against Disney (Pg. 253)

The article Math and Media is a short passage that offers suggestions on how math could be used analyze and address social problems. The article suggested teaching ideas that would integrate math into language arts and social studies. One of the idea that was suggested was photo fairness (to find bias in mass media) in which math skills such as simple computation, averages, percent, and graphing could be utilized. Another suggestion would be to highlight every time certain people are quoted or stories that were about crimes and violence or stories about people working for peace and justice. The article also provides links to Resources. The group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) studied articles in newspapers and found the following: In the Washington Post and New York Times 78% of the stories were based on words of government officials, 13% of those quoted in the front page in the Post were women, and women were responsible for only 6% of the quotes in the front page of the Times.


The article Taking Action Against Disney discusses a middle school teacher’s dilemma as to protest or not to protest with his students after watching a 28 minute documentary Mickey Mouse goes to Haiti about exploitation of workers in factories contracted by Disney. The teacher was worried he would get in trouble for influencing students on something that is considered a political issue. When a student suggested doing a demonstration outside of a Disney store in San Francisco, the teacher was in a hard place as to how to continue. Prior he had taken steps in which he began listing in the school newsletter guilty companies. School administration got involved in which he was told to stop writing the lists and his submissions needed to get prior approval. He was told he was muddying his neutral educator perception, and some would say he was putting his job on the line. The teacher continued with subject matter when the National Labor Committee (NLC) announced an international week of action against Disney. The teacher sent letters home to families giving info about the rally and background information. He received a lot of positive responses but not everyone was pleased. He had three students attend the protest but they were able to join other groups battling the same issue. By noon, there were 75 people protesting. The teacher did not lose his job and was only reprimanded was that he used the school’s mailing directory incorrectly to send out the letters. The teacher believes he did the right thing because teaching about social justice is important in every class.

Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti Part I (9:48)
Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti Part II (9:46)

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